Senior Centers

My passion is education and empowerment. The more seniors know, the more they can protect their health and make sound decisions. Low access to trustworthy information impairs good judgment and makes seniors vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation. This should not be the case.

I have provided hundreds of educational seminars for seniors in order to enable them to make good choices for themselves and their families. My primary job function is to help seniors make sound Medicare enrollment decisions. Please consider me as your preferred healthcare advisor.

Below is a list of the many topics I present. Please contact me if you would like me to present to your group.


1. Medicare 101

Medicare is confusing, and few seniors really understand it, leaving them in the lurch when they have a pressing medical need. Review the different parts of Medicare: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D, penalities, how they work, and what financial assistance programs exist to save you money and stay healthy with Medicare. 

2. Medicare 102

Getting enrolled into Medicare is just the beginning. From there, how do you select the right insurance plan? Is there a difference between medical groups? And how is it possible for your copays to be zero? Completion of the Medicare 101 seminar is required, as this will be a deep dive into how your healthcare works.


3. Technology 101

Technology can be overwhelming, but also very beneficial. Find out more about the basics of computers and the internet and how smartphones and tablets work.

4. Protect Yourself From Scams

The price of scams against seniors is much more than financiall Find out why seniors are targeted, the toll it can take on your health, and how to protect yourself.

5. Using Technology to Stay Connected

Technology is a great way to stay connected to friends and family. Find out how you can use social networking sites and video chat services to keep in touch.

General Health and Lifestyle

6. Healthy Brain

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease can be scary, but there are things you can do to keep your brain healthy. Find out how staying active, being social, training your brain, and eating a healthy diet can help.

7. Healthy Sleep

Getting the right amount of good, high-quality sleep is important for your physical and mental health. Learn about some common sleep challenges and stps you can take to get better sleep.

8. 5 Sneaky Causes of Weight Gain

Are you eating well and staying active, but noticing that the scale keeps creeping up? Find out about five potential pitfalls that may be causing you to gain.

9. Headaches Decoded

Headaches are a common problem, but many people don't know much about why they happen and how to prevent them. Find out about the different types of headaches and triggers that might cause them.

10. Simple Steps to Prevent Falls

Falls are a big deal, especially for older adults. Learn what puts you at risk for falls, ways to prevent falls, and tips to proof your home and much more!

11. Battling the Aging Brain

The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. Learn how the brain works and ways ot keep it healthy as you get older.

12. Making a Healthy Change

Are you struggling with healthy eating, exercising, or reducing stress? Making a healthy change isn't simple, but 7 simple steps will help to make a healthy change.

13. Living Healthy to 100

Want to live to 100 while staying functional? Learn some things centenarians have in common and tips for increasing your chances of living your best life into the triple-digits.

14. Brain Boot Camp

Your brain has everything to do with who you are and what you do. Keeping your mind sharp is just as important for good health as exercising is. Find out how to protect your brin health and help reduce your risk of dementia.

15. Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep

Can't fall asleep or stay asleep? If so, you're not alone. Learn how to relax into a slumber, stay asleep and get your best rest.

16. Battling Dangerous Belly Fat

Ever wonder what causes belly fat? Learn what your waistline may say about your health, the potential risk it may pose, and and what you can do to help shed those unwanted love handles.

17. Boost Your Digestion

Are you suffering from heartburn, bloating or constipation? Your body may be trying to tell you something. Learn how digestion works and what you can do to boost your gastrointestinal health.

18. Seasonal Allergies - Relief from Wheezing and Sneezing

Are seasonal allergies making you feel terrible? Learn steps you can try to help minimize the misery and find relief.

19. Simple Steps to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system helps protect your body from harmful intruders. Learn healthy habits to help strengthen your immune system.

20. 10 Tips to Boost Your Energy

Feeling sluggish or tired? Your energy level largely depends on your lifestyle habits. Find out ten ways to increase your energy and help you get the most from your day.

21. Give Your Brain a Boost

Looking for ways to improve your memory and reduce your risk of developing dementia? Join us to learn ways to engage your brain and help keep your mind sharp.


22. Sneaky Sodium: Where Are You Hiding?

Your body needs some sodium to function, but many people consume far too much. Find ut why you need to be careful, how much is too much, and steps you can take to cut the salt.

23. Test Your Nutrition IQ

Food and nutrition can be confusing. Find out the basics of calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

24. Good Foods for Your Gut

Your stomach probably won't react well with everything you eat, but some foods are worse than others. Find out about foods that can help keep your digestion system running smoothly, and those you should avoid.

25. Good Fats, Bad Fats

Fat has a bad reputation, but not all fats are bad. Find out which fats you should avoid and which you should keep.

26.  Eating Healthy When Eating Out

You can eat out and still eat healthy. Learn to make smart choices at your favorite types of restaurants - Italian, Mexican, Chinese, fast food, and more. Discover how easy it is to swap foods with healthier alternatives.

27. Fruits and Vegetables: Color Yourself Healthy

 It's healthy to eat fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors ecause each one provides different benefits. Learn how all the colors of fruits and vegetables benefit you - and why they're important to your health.

28. Healthy Eating to Control Cholesterol

Learn how different foods can affect your cholesterol levels. Which ones should you limit or avoid?

29. The Shakedown on Sugar

Sugar is everywhere and most people eat way too much. Find out why this popular food is on high alert when it comes to your health and what you can do about it.

30. Get Smart About Food Labels

What are you food labels really telling you? Find out what a food  label reveals about what's really in your food, and whether your favorite foods are as healthy as you think.

31. Superfoods

Certain foods may prevent disease or help you manage specific medical conditions. Learn more about these "superfoods" and decide which make sense for you and your health.

32. Stretch Your Grocery Dollars

Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. Learn easy ways to get the biggest bang for your buck on healthy foods at the grocery store.

33. The Truth About Carbs

Carbohydrates aren't all created equally. Learn which carbs are healthy and which ones to limit.

34. Organic Foods: To Buy or Not to Buy

Wondering if organic foods are worth the extra expense? Learn what sets them apart from conventionally grown options and which organic foods should be on your radar. Then, watch a chef prepare recipes with organic foods.

35. How Nutrition Changes as You Age

Our bodies need different foods and nutrients to function optimally as we age. Learn tips for adapting your diet as your metabolism, taste buds, and digestion change.

36. Is Your Plate Heart Healthy?

Wondering how to whip your plate into heart-healthy shape? Find out how to lower your chance for heart disease by balancing your plate and eating healthy.

37. Protein: Are You Getting Enough?

Learn how to tell if you're getting enough protein and where to find healthy sources of it - some may surprise you.

38. Cooking for One

Preparing meals can be challenging when you're only cooking for one or two. Learn how to make quick and healthy meals without it going to waste.

39. Foods to Boost Your Brain Power

Can certain foods help boost your memory and keep your mind sharp? Learn how your diet impacts brain health and which foods to focus on.

40. Rate Your Plate

Building a healthy plate doesn't have to be hard. Learn how to turn your plate from fair to five-star with some helpful tips and tricks.

41. Clean Eating: Ditch the Processed Food

Clean eating is about focusing on whole foods. Learn how to get rid of processed foods and clean up your diet for good.


42. Caregiver Survival Tips

Are the challenges of caregiving causing stress? Come learn and share tips that will make caregiving easier and get the support you need to care for yourself.

43. 5 Steps for Advance Care Planning

It's important to plan for the future and make your wishes known. Learn about advance directives, living wills, and other tools to help make sure you get the care you want.

44. Housing Options for Older Adults

Seniors often find themselves choosing a new place to call "home." Learn about the various housing options available to seniors today, and how to maintain your independence for as long as possible.

Behavioral Health

45. Habits of Happy People

Happiness is a choice and a way of living that anyone can learn. Discover how you can find more joy in every part of your life. You'll also learn tips for staying positive during life's challenges.

46. The Power of Positivity: When Life Gives you Lemons

Positive thinking is powerful! It can help turn a difficult situation into one that's manageable - and sometimes even enjoyable. Learn how to look on the bright side and bring more happiness, connection, and gratitude to your life.

47. Aging Happily

Getting older can be stressful, but understanding your body's changes can help ease your mind. Discover ways to boost your physical, emotional, and spiritual health so you can live a healthier and happier life.

48. Boosting Your Mood with Food and Fitness

Your mood can be affected by your eating and exercise habits. Learn how eating well and staying active can help improve your outlook.

49. Staying Social: How to Do It Right

It's important to stay social as you get older, but it isn't always easy. Learn about the benefits of staying onnected to others and strategies to help you keep a healthy social life.

50. Decompress from Stress

Chronic stress can weak havoc on your mind and body. Learn how to identify the areas in your life causing you the most stress and how simple changes can help you manage it.

51. Partner With Your Doctor

You and your doctor are a team. Work closely with him or her. Ask questions. Listen closely. Follow his or her advice. It's good for your health. Find out how to work with your doctor to meet your needs and stay healthy.

52. Trauma 101: What Is It and How Do I Manage It?

Living a long, joyful life takes hard work. And whether or not we are aware of it, the things we experienced in the past remain with us. Sometimes they play a silent role in affecting how we feel, and sometimes they play a loud role! Learn how to begin to identify what trauma is, what it isn't, and how to manage it.

53. Trauma 102: Trauma is Transformative!

Identifying and managing trauma can be transformative! It can positively improve your physical and mental health, and give you greater energy to take on the world. But it takes courage. Dive deeper into the topic as well as utilize the resources you already have to deal with it. (Requires completion of Trauma 101 Seminar)